hey my frenz~~
2010 is a new year~~
n i oso gt a new blog~~
go n view it!!
a new blog;a new me..
THX ya^^
My Dec..My Holidays^^
My Dec..My Holidays^^
actually many things happened in Dec...
go Kluang for camp with all Altar Servers and fr Jospeh Heng and Sis ...
this 3 days i learned many things..
i learned about ...
don't give someone comment when you just noe him/her...
god will NOT make us like this,HE will help us to arrange our life...
how to open my heart to know each other with my friends...
so happy in this camp but also very tired...
*thanks for god....aleluya^^
CJ camp finished...
we go PAY FONG to get her...
after that we go DREAMBOX to sing k...
all macam gila already....
when finished sing..
we go gai gai and take some picture...
then we go to JONKER ...
so shit!!!
we just arrive suddenly rain ...
all become wet already ..so F**K...
make us cannot go to EYE of MALAYSIA...
so sad...
then felix call his mother come fetch us..
8 people sit in the HILUX leh~~
so kns...
seconds day...
we go DP again...
just only for take picture ...
nasib baik CJ can reach at SENTRAL before the time...
so she can go back to JB..haha
x'mas what can we do??
sure need go to church 1st lor^^
because it is JESUS birthday !!
Me,Tiam,Edmund,Felix,and Victor go the english mass...
not we so pro ...just because we wanna sell the "Qualallupe" ....
both of us go McD execpt Tiam..because he want to take care the things....
after english and chinese mass...
we very tired !!
and this year church din have count down~~
so sienz~~
after we clear our things..
we go to Pantai Kundur ....
go to play, talk, and celebrate...
another things is specially for my kai jie [ Janet ]
because 2nd Jan she need go NS at Seremban...
and he most sad things is i din take photos with her~~T.T
after that ..
i waiting for my sis come fetch me with my lover...
and that night both of us just sleep a while only....
until 25 Dec 2.20pm...
we go JETTY GoGo KTV sing k!!!
for celebrate x'mas and my sis birthday ...
after that we go to eat our dinner with our family ^^
and so long time we din gather to eat dinner already^^
*x'mas ... I LOVE YOU^^
i'll remember this x'mas forever...
Yesterday ke syin sis call me for asking me wanna follow them go IKEA or not....
i Quickly say YES...
because so boring at house....
morning "uncle john" come fetch me and go to sentral wait ke syin sis...
after that we go eat our breakfast ^^
then we start again our journey^^
uncle forget a little bit the way to IKEA...
but nasib he can remember at last...
we saw many things in there...
and i also took many picture...
walk walk walk ...
see see see...
after that we go for our lunch...
and McD again @@
then we go 1 Utama...
so huge man~~
walk until our leg break....
then we lazy walk so long....
plan to THE MICES^^
go play and walk...
so tired after we play some game...
exspecially the bicycle...
after play we very hungry...
then uncle bring us to eat "kertas balut ayam" again^^
so YummY^^
like it so much....
*i very scare about the people whose go to our camp....
today i no mood play so much ...
now still nid 8 peoples....
i hope JESUS can help me~~
actually many things happened in Dec...
go Kluang for camp with all Altar Servers and fr Jospeh Heng and Sis ...
this 3 days i learned many things..
i learned about ...
don't give someone comment when you just noe him/her...
god will NOT make us like this,HE will help us to arrange our life...
how to open my heart to know each other with my friends...
so happy in this camp but also very tired...
*thanks for god....aleluya^^
CJ camp finished...
we go PAY FONG to get her...
after that we go DREAMBOX to sing k...
all macam gila already....
when finished sing..
we go gai gai and take some picture...
then we go to JONKER ...
so shit!!!
we just arrive suddenly rain ...
all become wet already ..so F**K...
make us cannot go to EYE of MALAYSIA...
so sad...
then felix call his mother come fetch us..
8 people sit in the HILUX leh~~
so kns...
seconds day...
we go DP again...
just only for take picture ...
nasib baik CJ can reach at SENTRAL before the time...
so she can go back to JB..haha
x'mas what can we do??
sure need go to church 1st lor^^
because it is JESUS birthday !!
Me,Tiam,Edmund,Felix,and Victor go the english mass...
not we so pro ...just because we wanna sell the "Qualallupe" ....
both of us go McD execpt Tiam..because he want to take care the things....
after english and chinese mass...
we very tired !!
and this year church din have count down~~
so sienz~~
after we clear our things..
we go to Pantai Kundur ....
go to play, talk, and celebrate...
another things is specially for my kai jie [ Janet ]
because 2nd Jan she need go NS at Seremban...
and he most sad things is i din take photos with her~~T.T
after that ..
i waiting for my sis come fetch me with my lover...
and that night both of us just sleep a while only....
until 25 Dec 2.20pm...
we go JETTY GoGo KTV sing k!!!
for celebrate x'mas and my sis birthday ...
after that we go to eat our dinner with our family ^^
and so long time we din gather to eat dinner already^^
*x'mas ... I LOVE YOU^^
i'll remember this x'mas forever...
Yesterday ke syin sis call me for asking me wanna follow them go IKEA or not....
i Quickly say YES...
because so boring at house....
morning "uncle john" come fetch me and go to sentral wait ke syin sis...
after that we go eat our breakfast ^^
then we start again our journey^^
uncle forget a little bit the way to IKEA...
but nasib he can remember at last...
we saw many things in there...
and i also took many picture...
walk walk walk ...
see see see...
after that we go for our lunch...
and McD again @@
then we go 1 Utama...
so huge man~~
walk until our leg break....
then we lazy walk so long....
plan to THE MICES^^
go play and walk...
so tired after we play some game...
exspecially the bicycle...
after play we very hungry...
then uncle bring us to eat "kertas balut ayam" again^^
so YummY^^
like it so much....
*i very scare about the people whose go to our camp....
today i no mood play so much ...
now still nid 8 peoples....
i hope JESUS can help me~~

today wake up very early..
b'coz wanna go STADIUM TUN FATIMAH with 5S members ^^
go for EXERCISE..
but only 4 members go only...another wan maybe still sleep in his bed...
and actually i not so really wanna saw him..
b'coz yesterday he din use his brain to touch my "WIFE"
very angry b'coz he also duno hw to say sorry..
when we reach at there...
so many aunty point on us...
why why why??
b'coz we wear red red lik them~~
mayb they think we also wanna go learn dancing...haha...
when we run...actually we take picture more then exercise la~~
just take take take...
and we saw got many aunty uncle dance at there..
and i take their pattern when they dance ==
after that we go to the playground to take more picture ..
at there we meet LAU KAI BING ...
surprise sial ...haha
he also come jogging oo??unbelievable...
about 9.++am ...
we go to KG 8 eat LAKSA & CENDOL...
after we eat ...
a tiam fetch us go DP...
just b'coz wanna repair my "WIFE"
maybe too early we go there...
the DP haven wake up....haha...
then a tiam still wanna take picture at there....
and he also b kepo...help people take picture ==
after that we go the FANTASTIC WORLD to repair my "WIFE"
wait until half an hour...my "WIFE" just b good...
before we go to the car...
in DP we saw 2 MALAY BOYS caught by a guard...
mayb they stool thing ...but din take the picture lar~~
but today i also very happy lor~~
my frenz ..thx ya^&^

today wake up very early ..
why ??
because want go GENTING with family..
about 7am ...my uncle reach my house already~~
today my dad use his "RIFFLE"...[actually is GPS ^^]
on the way to GENTING very boring ...
then what can i do?
sure is ...........SLEEP lorh~~haha
when reach at GENTING tol~~we just wake up ^^
about 11.45am we reach GENTING HOTEL jor...
but we din stay at GENTING ..so we terus go play..
but very sad,we din go out door play...
because the fog too many...
when me , didi , n my uncle play at indoor~~

my dad n mum bring my sis to CASINO...
wasai~~i also want go..but can not. T.T
about 12.++pm we go eat our lunch[McD]
then we go gai gai .haha....
we still go the SNOWHOUSE...

until 3.++pm...we go back to carpark...
because we want to go SUNGAI WANG to shopping...
when reach KL....
so "yaoxiu" lorh~~
so many car..want reach SUNGAI WANG already..
but also need wait a half hour just can move ...
today so many people go SUNGAI WANG...
just because comic "GEMPAK" got activity at there...
got sell comic..sell t-shirt..and still got COSPLAY at there...
cool man~~
then we go shopping...
time run very fast ...like a riffle bullet~~
before we back...we go to eat "kertas balut ayam"
when we reach home about 11pm jor~~
very tired..so we just can do 1 thing....
is sleep again ^^
*p/s : i just know we go GENTING n KL because is my mum n my dad's wedding anniversary..
DAD n MUM .. I LOVE YOU...muacks^^
DAD n MUM .. I LOVE YOU...muacks^^
19/11 last school day^^
we all so boring ~~~
but sum1 clever...
bring chess cum....
haha....so our boring was less d^^
but sum1 clever...
bring chess cum....
haha....so our boring was less d^^

suddenly we gt school magazine.....

this is the head title of the mag...
actually all is use PHOTOSHOP edit geh~~
(this senang thing i also can do la =.=n better then this oO...)
lagi "jialat" is ....
inside still gt teach u hw to write essay~~
and also got additonal mathematic...==
all a day....we play play until gila~~sampai gangbang kadet polis's people~~wahaha==
this picture is we take with our class teacher ...and her pose all same ...haha
last ....
i wanna wish u all have a "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" ...
[ 15/11 ]
today morning ..
we 5 again...^^
after go mass..we eat breakfast v a tiam's kai ma..
a tiam take 4 me wan....
<<<<<<< n i like it^^
we 5 again...^^
after go mass..we eat breakfast v a tiam's kai ma..
after tat ...we go the exercise...
but vy "paise" ...
cz they call me b the "wakil" of all the pupils...
b4 we go do our things....
we take pic together...
whn afternoon...
cz we wanna go the graduation day of his SK 2...
tis is the stage at thr~~
juz only we few b dancer ..^^
but whr m i??
i'm taking photo 4 them lar~~ [==]

a tiam take 4 me wan....
<<<<<<< n i like it^^
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