today wake up very early ..
why ??
because want go GENTING with family..
about 7am uncle reach my house already~~
today my dad use his "RIFFLE"...[actually is GPS ^^]
on the way to GENTING very boring ...
then what can i do?
sure is ...........SLEEP lorh~~haha
when reach at GENTING tol~~we just wake up ^^
about 11.45am we reach GENTING HOTEL jor...
but we din stay at GENTING we terus go play..
but very sad,we din go out door play...
because the fog too many...
when me , didi , n my uncle play at indoor~~

my dad n mum bring my sis to CASINO...
wasai~~i also want go..but can not. T.T
about 12.++pm we go eat our lunch[McD]
then we go gai gai .haha....
we still go the SNOWHOUSE...

until 3.++pm...we go back to carpark...
because we want to go SUNGAI WANG to shopping...
when reach KL....
so "yaoxiu" lorh~~
so many car..want reach SUNGAI WANG already..
but also need wait a half hour just can move ...
today so many people go SUNGAI WANG...
just because comic "GEMPAK" got activity at there...
got sell comic..sell t-shirt..and still got COSPLAY at there...
cool man~~
then we go shopping...
time run very fast a riffle bullet~~
before we back...we go to eat "kertas balut ayam"
when we reach home about 11pm jor~~
very we just can do 1 thing....
is sleep again ^^
*p/s : i just know we go GENTING n KL because is my mum n my dad's wedding anniversary..
DAD n MUM .. I LOVE YOU...muacks^^
DAD n MUM .. I LOVE YOU...muacks^^